Contentsquare Brand Design System

Augment asset creation across all teams

Augment asset creation across all teams

Augment asset creation across all teams

With the adoption of Figma within the company came the need for a proper design system. Drawing inspiration from the product team's system, I collaborated with other internal designers to create a Brand Designer friendly system.

With the adoption of Figma within the company came the need for a proper design system. Drawing inspiration from the product team's system, I collaborated with other internal designers to create a Brand Designer friendly system.

With the adoption of Figma within the company came the need for a proper design system. Drawing inspiration from the product team's system, I collaborated with other internal designers to create a Brand Designer friendly system.


Volt Industry


Visual Design UI & UX Design




January 2023

Dashboard Sidebar Close Up
Dashboard Sidebar Close Up
Dashboard Sidebar Close Up

As Contentsquare's brand covers many regions, it was important to list the text alternatives for every language used within the company. In addition, to channel our love of accessibility, every color code was matched against WCAG compliance, helping designers use the right colors in the right contexts.


Our system covers every nook and cranny of possible designs, ensuring the highest level of consistency. Headshot styles? Check. Mockup frames for product data and websites? Check. Illustration guidelines, to both allow proper usage by designers and allow for additions to the internal library? That too.

Full Dashboard with Sidebar
Full Dashboard with Sidebar
Full Dashboard with Sidebar

I'm proud to have been part of this critical function in our design team - and help pave the way for designers across the globe in creating better and more delightful content.

©️ Gabe Quinton

©️ Gabe Quinton

©️ Gabe Quinton